Based on instruments used surveying can be classified as:

1) Chain survey
2) theodolite survey
5) compass survey
4) tacheometry survey
5) plain survey
6) aerial and photographic survey
7) Modern survey using electionic distance meters and total station


Survey may be classified based on the terrain as land survey,astronomical survey and marine or hydraulic survey. When we say Land Survey, It also involves measurement of various objects on and above the surface of the earth. This type of survey can be hereby classified as given below:
(i) Topographic Survey: It is meant for plotting natural features like rivers, lakes, forests and hills as well as man made features like roads, railways, towns, villages and canals.
(ii) Cadestal Survey: It is for marking the boundaries of municipalities, villages, talukas, districts, states etc. The survey made to mark properties of individuals also come under this category.
(iii) City Survey: The survey made in connection with the construction of streets, water supply and sewage lines fall under this category.
(iii) Hydrographic Survey. Survey conducted to find depth of water at various points in bodies of water like sea, river and lakes fall under this category. Finding depth of water at specified points is known as sounding.
(iv) Astronomical Survey. Observations made to heavenly bodies like sun, stars etc., to locate absolute positions of points on the earth and for the purpose of calculating local time is known as astronomical survey.
(v) Geological Survey: A geological survey is the systematic investigation of the subsurface of a given piece of ground for the purpose of creating a geological map or model. A geological survey employs techniques from the traditional walk-over survey, studying outcrops and landforms, to intrusive methods, such as hand angering and machine driven boreholes, to the use of geophysical techniques and remote sensing methods, such as aerial photography and satellite imagery.


field work
office work

leveling the field (bench mark)
submission of the angles
linear errors

survey procedures

collecting measurements
processing measurements
drawing up


Every profession must be founded upon sound practice and in this engineering surveying is no different.
Practice in turn must be based upon proven principles. This section is concerned with examining the
principles of survey, describing their interrelationship and showing how they may be applied in practice.
Most of the principles below have an application at all stages of a survey and it is an unwise and
unprofessional surveyor who does not take them into consideration when planning, executing, computing
and presenting the results of the survey work. The principles described here have application across the
whole spectrum of survey activity, from field work to photogrammetry, mining surveying to metrology,
hydrography to cartography, and cadastral to construction surveying.Survey is act or science of making measurement of relative position of points on land, above and below the earth by making linear direction and representation